About us

The LA Retirement Fund has been helping local government permanent employees, contract and part-time employees save for the retirement they deserve for more than 70 years. This reliable fund has a proud history of strong investment returns that steadily grow the savings of its many active members and the financially sound pensioner pool. However, this fund is far more than just a way for local government employees and councillors to save towards their retirement. It’s a committed investment partner, working with you to deliver all the benefits, security and growth you want, to one day enjoy the retirement you desire. A partner that understands you, and knows exactly how to support you throughout your career, and beyond……

Our Vision:

To provide the best possible retirement outcome for all our members, retirees and pensioners.

Our Mission:

The Fund is a trusted financial and investment partner to our members, retirees and pensioners, helping them to achieve positive retirement outcomes through:

  • Innovative, cost-effective and risk-managed retirement investments that grow their savings, thereby maximising their chances that they will receive the lifelong pension income they need.
  • Ethical retirement fund management, good governance and responsible investment that protects the Fund from external factors that could negatively impact members’ retirement savings.
  • Clear communication and ongoing education that helps members to keep their retirement journey on track.
  • Affordable risk cover, preservation and at-retirement solutions that enable financial security for members, retirees, pensioners and their loved ones.

More about us

You must be in it to win

On page 3 of the December 2022 Member Newsletter, we announced a competition, where you could win a prize.

All you need to do is have your photo taken next to the Fund’s calendar and/or poster and send it to us. The competition closes on Tuesday, 31 January 2023.

Please send the photo to:

Email: competition@laretirementfund.co.za

WhatsApp: 081 778 0923

When sending in the photo, please tell us your name, your pension number or identity number and which municipality you work at. Please note that subject to the discretion of the Fund, all or some of the pictures submitted, may be published on the Funds’ website and/or on the Funds’ Facebook page.

Hurry to enter the competition, your photo could win the prize!