
Why Join

So, why should you join the LA Retirement Fund? Here are just a few reasons why the LA Retirement Fund is definitely the right Fund for you:

  1. The LA Retirement Fund has a long and proud history of partnering with members since 1943.

  2. It is the Fund of choice. How you benefit from the LA Retirement Fund is entirely up to you. From choosing the risk cover that is best for your needs and budget, to selecting the best investment options and choosing how to invest your savings when you retire – LA Retirement Fund offers all the choice you’ll ever need. No other Fund offers more choice!

  3. We believe in full and transparent disclosure of costs. We have designed a quotation system that discloses all the costs associated with your fund membership and your benefits of choice before you join. There will be no surprises for you after you join!

  4. It works for you, automatically – The LA Retirement Fund’s default life stage investment places your hard-earned money into the most appropriate investment portfolio suited for your life stage and career. This means that when you are younger, your money is in a more aggressive portfolio chasing higher returns and as you get closer to retirement, it focuses more on protecting your nest egg. However, with the LA Retirement Fund you are in control, and you can choose to opt out of the life stage model in favour of the individual member choice model that also includes a Shariah portfolio.

  5. Superior investment returns. When compared to its peers, the Fund’s Risk Profiled Solutions have a proud history of continuing to outperform the broader industry of retail (Unit Trusts) and institutional (Large Segregated Funds) retirement fund products.

  6. It gives you every opportunity to preserve your savings. On resignation you can choose to leave your money in the Fund until retirement and to continue to enjoy the superior returns the Fund offers. Furthermore, on retirement you could choose the In-Fund Living Annuity offering. If you choose this option your member share savings will remain in the Fund, and you will receive a cost-effective monthly annuity.

  7. The Fund has had clean audit reports for decades.

  8. The Fund has a reputation for solid and trustworthy governance – as a member of the LA Retirement Fund you know your retirement savings are in good hands as the Fund is managed by an experienced board of trustees and a professional principal officer.

  9. The Fund is constantly improving and listening to what members want.
When you become a member of the LA Retirement Fund, you don’t just get fund membership, you get a committed partner with a passion for doing things right, first time. The LA Retirement Fund is the right choice for you. It is that simple!

You must be in it to win

On page 3 of the December 2022 Member Newsletter, we announced a competition, where you could win a prize.

All you need to do is have your photo taken next to the Fund’s calendar and/or poster and send it to us. The competition closes on Tuesday, 31 January 2023.

Please send the photo to:


WhatsApp: 081 778 0923

When sending in the photo, please tell us your name, your pension number or identity number and which municipality you work at. Please note that subject to the discretion of the Fund, all or some of the pictures submitted, may be published on the Funds’ website and/or on the Funds’ Facebook page.

Hurry to enter the competition, your photo could win the prize!