Our Story

In South Africa, from the start of the twentieth century until 1943, most of the local authorities had their own pension funds. With the promulgation of Ordinance 15 of 1943, it became possible for local authorities to associate with a joint pension fund. The joint funds’ in the Cape Province were divided into districts and the borders were defined by the Administrator of the Province. While a few remained independent, most local authorities were associated with the following joint district funds:

District I         (Eastern Cape)

District II       (Northern Cape)

District III      (Western Cape)

After negotiations and with the approval of the Administrator of the Province, the funds amalgamated with effect from 1 January 1980 and the Cape Amalgamated Joint Pension Fund came into being. (East London Municipality and the Cape Divisional Council joined the amalgamated fund a year later, on 1 January 1981.) All Local Authorities in the Cape Province now belonged to one joint fund except for Cape Town. The state heraldic artist was tasked to design a crest for the fund, which was approved by the chairman of the Board of Heraldic on 29 April 1988.

On 1 July 1990 the Administrator of the Province relinquished control over the Fund and at the same time the name of the Fund was changed to the Cape Joint Pension Fund.  The Fund was then registered with the FSCA (then the FSB) in terms of the Pension Funds Act.


Following developing trends in the pension industry in South Africa and after many meetings, negotiations and discussions with all relevant parties, on 1 May 1996, the Cape Joint Pension Fund established the Cape Joint Retirement Fund (now Consolidated Retirement Fund – for Local Government or CRF) and gave all its members the option to move their membership to the newly created defined contribution fund.

On 1 June 2016, the Fund entered an exciting new chapter in its history and changed its name from the Cape Joint Pension Fund to the LA Retirement Fund. The name change ushered in the introduction of new and improved member benefits and celebrated a new era in the Fund’s history which portrayed:

  • A dynamic defined contribution fund for active members.
  • A fund that continues to fulfil its pension promise to all members and pensioners.
  • All-inclusive membership that is not constrained just to the Cape.
  • A unique, easily recognizable brand that is representative of a diverse membership of local authority employees.
  • The aim to grow membership.
  • A proud history of world class governance practices and solid investment performance.

The announcement of the Fund’s new name was memorialised in the video below. Please note that the video was produced in 2016 so some information may have changed.

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You must be in it to win

On page 3 of the December 2022 Member Newsletter, we announced a competition, where you could win a prize.

All you need to do is have your photo taken next to the Fund’s calendar and/or poster and send it to us. The competition closes on Tuesday, 31 January 2023.

Please send the photo to:

Email: [email protected]

WhatsApp: 081 778 0923

When sending in the photo, please tell us your name, your pension number or identity number and which municipality you work at. Please note that subject to the discretion of the Fund, all or some of the pictures submitted, may be published on the Funds’ website and/or on the Funds’ Facebook page.

Hurry to enter the competition, your photo could win the prize!