

Insured Risk Premiums

Except for the EXTENDED FAMILY FUNERAL SCHEME, all the monthly premiums for the other insured benefits that you select will be deducted from the monthly contribution your employer makes to the Fund on your behalf. Please note that SARS deems this to be a taxable benefit and, your employer is required to levy income tax on your monthly premium. As with all insured products, terms and conditions may apply, please see the website for more detailed information on each of the products on offer.

Life event

Our death cover benefit allows you to change your cover option once a year and within 3 months of a life event. The following are defined as life events:
  • Marriage
  • The birth of a child
  • Promotion
  • Divorce
  • The death of a spouse
  • A member whose contract of employment changes from being permanent and in full-time service of the employer to an employee employed on a fixed-term contract or vice versa, may change his/her death cover option on the date of the employment contract change.
Present the applicable supporting documents (e.g. marriage or birth certificate) together with the Life events that require a change in insured death and disability income benefits option form and you may increase (or decrease) the level of your death benefit cover and it will take effect from the 1st of the month following confirmation of the life event.  Confirmation of the “life event” must be presented within 3 months of the event. If not, principles as listed under the annual change will apply.

Conversion Option

Please note that the cover provided by all your group insured options will cease when you terminate employment, however, in most instances there is a conversion option which allows you to convert the cover into individual insurance. You will have 90 days from your exit from employment to take up the conversion option without needing to undergo any medicals. The insurer will calculate the premium that is payable based on your personal circumstances. Under the various risk options below, we will simply inform you if the conversion option applies without repeating this explanation.

You must be in it to win

On page 3 of the December 2022 Member Newsletter, we announced a competition, where you could win a prize.

All you need to do is have your photo taken next to the Fund’s calendar and/or poster and send it to us. The competition closes on Tuesday, 31 January 2023.

Please send the photo to:


WhatsApp: 081 778 0923

When sending in the photo, please tell us your name, your pension number or identity number and which municipality you work at. Please note that subject to the discretion of the Fund, all or some of the pictures submitted, may be published on the Funds’ website and/or on the Funds’ Facebook page.

Hurry to enter the competition, your photo could win the prize!